Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ocean poem

As a teacher-learner, I want to grow as a writer in my own right. My Teach Write writing group set an "ocean poem" challenge inspired by the the book Write the Poem. Here is mine.

Ocean Edges

Scabbed, freckle-speckled knees
off Pop-Pop's dock as
blue-brown crabs scutter
inches below my toes
in the sandy shallows.

Sure, not far from here 
is a fathomless deep,
breaching whales,
a school of gray fish,
a shark on the hunt, even.

But, near here
is a just a ten-year-old me,
and a place where enormous things
quiet and still.

Know Yourself, Know Your Students: How to use personality frameworks to humanize your classroom (part 4)

Using the personality frameworks in your classroom Over the past two months, I’ve been writing and thinking a lot about the work I did to us...